Afiqah's Media Studies blog
2020/2021 (AS)
Creative Critical Reflection
My Creative Creative Reflection answers are presented, each in a different way, for my Question 2 and 3 CCR, I decided to record my answer, inspired by the idea of a podcast, considering it as if I had an official podcast channel for my magazine to explain its creation.
I also had used was used to help me answer question 4, in order to show the technologies such as software hardware and online technology that I had used through out this project.
Lastly for my Question 1 CCR, I chose to use a slides format in answering this question, as if I were presenting my ideas in relation to these aspects to people interested in investing in the magazine or being featured.
Question 1
I had uploaded Question 1 slideshow in Youtube to show how my products use and challenge the conventions and how it represent the social groups issues. Here is the link to my Youtube video for question 1 :
How does my product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent any social groups or issues?
As a magazine producer it is very important for me to create or produce my magazine to be different and unique from other brand magazines and this is because audience would want something that is new and appealing from my magazine than other magazine brands that they had come through.
My magazine production has also followed some of the conventions that are usually found in a magazine. Here are the comparison of my magazine production and one of the magazine from my research analysis:
Cover Page
My masthead is shorter and the size is bigger but has an elegant and thin style of font and all text are in capital letters which is what normally all magazine masthead looks like, also the masthead font is bold which makes it stands out and draws audience’s attention.
I had followed the position of my tagline the same as my magazine research which is below the masthead but I used capital letters instead.
Cover Lines & Featured Article
All of the cover lines on the cover page are related to jewelry and the fashion trends, also most of the cover lines are on right hand side of the page, which is the same as my magazine research as it is what normally people look at first, which is why I had put my featured article on the right side of the page instead of the left side The font for my featured article is slightly bigger than the rest of the cover lines text.
Other than that, for my cover page picture, I had used a mid-close up shot and mine have a set of jewelry which is a necklace and a pair of earrings. The color scheme is almost the same as my research analysis but I add an emerald green and this is to add a pop and a bright color to my cover page. Also the lighting for my picture is different which is a warm lighting compared to my research analysis which is a bright lighting
Double Spread Page
I had followed some of the conventions of what a typical double spread page magazine conventions looks like, such as the used of large image in a double page spread, and this is because young people prefer a less wordy magazine and with more images and this images could also draws audience’s attention. The image of the young female girl is on the right side with the interview Q&A. Another convention is a drop cap, is the where the first character of the first paragraph is made larger, taking up several lines of text or the first few sentences. The photo shopped bracelet is an inspirational from my research magazine that I had also incorporated in this page.
Next is a drop quote, selected quotes from the article that are used to entice the reader and make them want to read the article to find out what the quote is about. This is the person or the model that I had interviewed. The headline, ‘Pearl Accessories for daily wear!’ is on the left side of the page and this is because audience will know what they are reading about. Next is the caption which is on the left side below the large image of pearl accessories set that the model is wearing.
On the right side of the page is an interview Q&A with a young female teenager. Normally, on a typical double spread page jewelry magazine, they had interviewed a famous or world known designer or a celebrity to advertise the magazine and the above articles ,but I had interviewed an ordinary young teenager girl who shares her loves for jewelry and sharing tips on how to style her daily look. Lastly, page numbers for my page that I had also followed the conventions of a typical magazine, with the masthead of my cover next to the page number.
Contents Page
My contents page appear to be very simple in comparison to the front covers and double page spreads along with the rest of the magazine but they are just as important as they tell the readers exactly which page they would find the corresponding articles.
Based on my research magazines, normally the background color of the jewelry contents page is white but mine, I used a colored background (beige brown) that matches with the color scheme of my cover and the fonts I used for the magazine and this is because I want my content page to have a unique feature from the magazines on my research analysis.
The conventions I had followed, such as the ‘Content’ title, the sub headings, the large images, page numbers and lastly, extra descriptions below the sub headings.
Social Group Representations
My magazine represents the social groups associated with the genre of fashion in a quite stereotypical way. Because as you can see the cover lines and main cover lines revolve around issues in the accessories fashion world trends and as in what to wear for daily look and solutions for every events or festive.
The social groups that are more likely to buy and read my magazine, are young female who loves fashion trends and loves wearing accessories to complete their look and men are most likely to not enjoy this magazine as they prefer a sport or fitness magazine.
In the past the representation of women in magazine as sexual object through the male gaze, and female model are wearing an outfit that are almost as naked and I wanted to show that nudism and its beauty does not have to be a synonym for vulgarity and submissiveness. However, these had changed and magazine such as ‘ACCESSORIES’ are portraying women in a respectable, normal and formal way. The models in their front cover are not too overly dressed despite their big with bright color jewelry but they are well covered up.
In my country, the largest population is ethnic Malay Muslim which is why I decided to use a model, who is a Muslim, young female teenager, who wears hijab to refer the ethnicity representation of my country.
On my research analysis the models are wearing big jewelries but I had used a simple and minimalistic accessory and I had also told the model to pose as such but more of less try and relax and have fun.
The model for my double spread page are wearing something what the same age as her are wearing which is a modest looking blouse, and wearing a white hijab that is called a syawl a kind of hijab, what young female teenager Muslims would normally wore.
I also wanted to represent how the creative youth nowadays, especially for the Muslims young females group who wears hijab that have to cover their hair and think they cannot wear any accessorize jewelry such as earrings as they have to cover their hair as well as their ears. My model wears the earrings outside the shawl and by hanging it on the shawl and this is a new trend that every hijabis had followed and enjoyed!
As for the price, I tried to put on a lower and an affordable price for my target audiences, which is why I had put $6.90 as it is in the range price for magazine in my country.
Question 2
For questions 2 and 3, I had recorded myself using my phone voice recorder as an idea of podcast to present and answer the questions 2 and 3.
How does my product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media context?
Engage Audiences
‘JEWELS’ magazine is an accessories fashion magazine that shares about the trends worldwide and will target audiences mostly females age 16 to 21 but it’s not like that those who are out of the age group or gender are not meant to read the magazine. Nowadays there are so many people who enjoy wearing accessories and love the trending fashion and even guys wears jewelry!
The product engages with the audience through the visual context of the magazine which is the conventions. The masthead is the first thing an audience will be looking at and one of the most important step in this process because it will give the biggest impact to the magazine. ‘JEWELS’ is a short slang from Jewelries, can be understandable clearly with my target audiences, which are young female group.
The contents or the cover lines of the magazine are mostly what the audience would expect for the magazine to have. It all includes the fashion trends and the main featured article, would be an interview with a teenage girl around their age.
Normally an interview in a magazine are always associated with a famous or someone who are well known and this is because to advertise the magazine, but I had interviewed an ordinary teenage girl who shares her interest on jewelry and shares her fashion accessories tips which would engage the audiences more as the model is around their age and they would relate with her.
The images also helps engaging the audiences more, the target audience are mostly young females age group, which is why I had used a teenage girl as the model with at least just several paragraphs and more images, large images.
In a real media context. This magazine would be distributed widely through paid print subscription or online digital distribution and physical copies in select stores. Whether print or digital, a new issue of the magazine will be released monthly.
Once the magazine is compiled and finalize, I will be distributing and publishing it through online outlets, I had planned on firstly posting and advertising it online, such as through my blog in or creating website page, such as
I will be using the social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. For example, I create an Instagram page in order to promote my product and increase the level of interaction with readers or promoting the magazine through the model’s Instagram page account.
And depending on its success and reading rate, I will be printing it later on and distribute it through selective stores such as The Best Eastern, a book store in my country.
Question 3
How did my production skills develop throughout the project?
This project had made me learn and discover a lot of new things. Not only about a particular genre but also how and what things must be done in order to make and create a magazine.
The most creative and productive thing in all of this process is the photography. It is something that I always had interest but never knew that it includes of certain rules and regulations too. Knowing about various shots-angles, camera pixels, resolution and not to forget its customization what option must be selected for a certain setting.
I had also managed to broaden my knowledge and abilities in planning for the photo shoot, which was difficult at first, as I did not know how much time it would take for a single photo shoot would take but because I had the experience before for my Preliminary Exam magazine, I had manage the time for every shots.
Furthermore, my editing skills in terms of using Adobe Photoshop as well as Adobe InDesign had also developed as I watched multiples of tutorials videos in Youtube on using these apps.
In addition, the planning for my magazine layout has also improved a lot compared to my first magazine production during Preliminary Exam last year, as well as my research analysis.
Question 4
Lastly, for my question 4 i had used to represent my answer to the audiences and below are the copied link from and the screenshot of how i first try editing my slides using the website.
How did I integrate technologies- software, hardware and online in this project?
Starting with software, I had used various apps in order to edit pictures, create the masthead and assemble and rearrange the magazine, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign respectively.
With Adobe Photoshop, I mostly worked on the photos that taken and their appearance, by editing the colors which is by the Camera Raw Filter, perfectioning the model’s skin by using the Spot Healing Brush tool, I had also use the Magic Wand tool to cut the model from the background to change the color of the background.
The Adobe InDesign allowed me to create my masthead and put it on top of the cover page, as well as the other conventions of cover page, which are tagline, cover lines, price and date line and the barcode. Also for my Double spread page and my content page. This app provides different fonts for me to choose and size that are suitable for my magazine.
Furthermore, when taking into account for hardware, I used multiples devices. Starting with the camera I used, which was a Canon G7 with a 18-55 mm lens, which provided me with very professional features and settings, I mostly used the manual mode and changed the settings based on my preferences for the pictures. I also had to use the no flash settings in order to be sure the camera would not alter the functionality of the lighting the kits.
Moreover I also used my laptop Acer Aspire to help on the entire project and in addition I also had the chance to use a professional lighting with a light box provided in my school which turned out to be vital for the shoots. As natural lighting was not really sufficient and professional lighting has more quality.
Other devices I used such as my phone, Oppo A31, which helped me capture backstage pictures which is the behind the scenes as well as contacting the model and managing the time for the shoots.
Lastly with the use of online technology, I used a variety of platforms. I used social media platforms such as Pinterest in order to research and gathered in an organized form ideas and inspiration regarding for the magazine aesthetics and its content. Continuing with Google in order to research and have a more in depth understanding in the creation of a jewelry magazine.
I also had used Youtube to learn on how to used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign properly from tutorials videos.
In terms of detailed in the magazine, I had also used to download the barcodes and for names idea for the masthead
Last but not less, to post our blog about the entire processes that took in doing this project and our final product will be published in this blog.